
Degree – Master of Liberal Arts Concentrations: Criminal Justice, English, History, 大众传播, Music, 政治科学

The Master of Liberal Arts (MLA) degree program is designed to provide both depth and breadth of study in the liberal arts. 它本质上是一个跨学科的项目, pulling together general coursework from disciplines such as behavioral sciences, humanities, 以及社会科学. The program is designed to train students to think critically and contextually about their own fields of discipline as well as about a diverse range of issues.

This degree program is also designed to encourage and foster interdisciplinary skills, 知识的习惯, 分析性和批判性思维, 良好的书面和口头沟通能力, 以及广泛的决策.


Students applying for entrance to the Master of Liberal Arts are required to submit an application for admission, 网上申请(pzs.chriswaldegar.com/academics/graduate-studies), GRE成绩(普通考试), 两封推荐信, a Resume, and official transcript from an accredited school (if a student has attended more than one school, transcripts must be submitted from all schools attended). At least one transcript must document the student has a bachelor’s degree with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0. Some departments have additional requirements students must meet for admission:

Department of English, Languages, and 大众传播 – English, 大众传播


Department of Social Sciences – Criminal Justice, History, 政治科学

Decisions are made only after receipt of all credentials by the department’s admission committee. Each department uses an admission formula to accept students. 整个应用程序包, 包括所有辅助材料, 必须提交给研究生院吗. Official test scores must be submitted from Education Testing Service (ETS) and must not be older than five years, 发送学校的正式成绩单, and Credential Evaluations (International students) from an approved Credential Evaluation Service.


The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test is the official standardized test required for admission to the Master of Liberal Arts.


The curriculum requires 33 credit hours of coursework: six hours of Core courses, 18小时的必修课程, six hours of Interdisciplinary Electives and three hours 顶石项目 (A course requiring a major paper).

学术之路: 顶石项目

The 顶石项目 is an exit requirement for the Master of Liberal Arts. Each discipline has specific expectations for selection of topics and the type of capstone project. Students pursue independent research on a question or problem of their choice in the relevant disciplines under the guidance of a graduate faculty to produce a paper that reflects understanding of the topic and in the respective discipline.


在确定毕业资格之前, each student progression to degree completion will be evaluated to determine if student has met all academic requirements for course work and other aspects of the student’s course of study and Graduate School requirements. When these requirements are met, the student is cleared for graduation.

更多信息:联系Dr. 迪克森·伊都苏伊电话601.877.6414 ▪ (电子邮件保护)